Tuesday, May 10, 2011


default.htm The President and Committee Members,

Dear Tan Sri and Committee Members,

This may be a wee bit late but it is certainly better late than never.

Allow me to take this opportunity to congratulate,and thank,you and your team of dedicated CommIttee Members who had worked tirelessly and selflessly to
make the Annual Meeting cum Dinner Night the memorable and enjoyable night it was.All those who were present that night will certainly agree that it was a most unforgettable night of nostalgia and camaraderie,aided along no doubt by the free flow of spirit,the Bangla dancers(!)and the incredible Alfred Ho's untiring serenading us with all those� REALLY old oldies!.

Thank you Tan Sri President and your team for a job well done and I look forward to the same for next year.

Best� regards

chan kok choi

'ldams pufr ea;;a those who ooooere present


  1. Great to know you and those present had an enjoyable night at the dinner.

  2. Thank you for the compliments. We shall organise the next one.

  3. Any representative in Malacca to sign up members and collect fees? Thanks.
